Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Building web applications using Codeigniter (Installing Codeigniter)

Codeigniter is a powerful PHP framework which can be simply used to create full featured web applications.   This framework is based on the MVC Architecture. Here I am using Netbeans IDE as the editor. 

MVC Architecture
MVC or Model View Controller Architecture is a well known software designing pattern in creating web applications.One of the main advantage or a purpose of using MVC is to seperate business logic and the application data from the presentation layer. Model is the one who carries business logic and the application data. It handles data processing. Controller works as the mediator and converts input as commands for the model or the view. View is the interface shown to the user simply view is the presentation. Codeigniter is using this MVC architecture in it.

Get start with Codeigniter
1.WAMP server
2. Netbeans IDE (as the editor)

Install codeigniter

1. Download Codeigniter. Latest version can be downloaded from Codigniter official website.
2. Unzip the package.
3. Upload the CodeIgniter folders and files to your server. (eg:- www folder of WAMP server. Create a folder with your project name and copy Codigniter files and folders into it).
4. Then, create a Netbeans project. Create a new PHP project with existing sources and select the folder you created.


5. Run the project. You will see the welcome message of Codeigniter in your browser.

6. Here are some important notices.
  •  If you are using a database, edit application/config/database.php according to your database settings. 
  •  Edit application/config/config.php to set your base URL. Location of your project folder. (eg:- if hosted in localhost,   http://localhost/ProjectName/)

taadaaa.... You have successfully installed codeigniter. Now you can create your own app...

1 comment:

  1. Codelobster PHP Edition has special plugin for CodeIgniter installation and autocompletion.
